Free Writing Tips!
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Learn to “Write to Influence!”
Resumes, strategizing for the job interview, post-interview thank you notes, grants, input to performance reviews, and more … Carla addresses it all.
Click on the images below for a sampling of her recent media appearances. In addition, free writing tips found in Carla’s many published articles will help you achieve your goals.
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Carla and host Bret Packard discuss: 1) powerful writing is a key leadership skill — especially in retaining talented staff; 2) crafting gripping messages with specific strategies and Word Sculpting Tools; and 3) instances in her 30- year Air Force career when puissant writing tipped the balance between success and failure!
Mark Anthony Dyson interviews Carla on “The Voice of Job Seekers” Learn how writing can help or hinder your career, how to avoid common errors, and tips to influence that elusive audience

Join Carla and podcast host Nikki Rogers. as they dive deeply into why writing skills are empowering and also the “lifeblood” of effective organizations. Learn tips to make writing your entrepreneurial superpower.

Host Andy Lopata and Carla discuss the impact of writing on professional relationships and writing as a leadership skill.

Carla shares tips on how to influence an audience in this dynamic exchange with podcast host Allison Daniels

Carla shares proven tips to compose powerful input to a performance review.

Carla shares tips to catapult career, nail performance reviews, compose stand-out resumes, and work the occasional miracle.

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